Building Future Urban Development Scenarios into Assessments of Future Flood Risk

Date September 5-6, 2023 Submitted to The Fourth Spatial Data Science Symposium Author Katherine Booker Supervisors Professor Iain White, University of Waikato and Professor Matthew Wilson, GRI University of Canterbury Research Problem The devastating impact of flood events demonstrates the need for more comprehensive assessments of future flood risk in urban policy. Risk assessments based […]

Biological Heritage Challenge: Eco-Index Programme

Research team Dr Kiri Joy Wallace (University of Waikato) Dr John Reid (J D Reid LTD) Ngāti Pikiao (Tainu and Ngai Tahu Research Centre, University of Canterbury). Nathaniel Calhoun (Code Innovation) Kevan Cote (Moose Engineering & Design) Karen Denyer (Papawera Consulting Ltd) Saif Khan (GRI) Funding New Zealand National Science Challenge Project summary The Eco-index […]

Healthy Location Index

Project summary Accounting for the co-occurrence of multiple environmental influences is a more accurate reflection of population exposure than considering isolated influences, aiding in understanding the complex interactions between environments, behaviour and health. Healthy Location Index describes how environmental ‘goods’ such as green spaces and environmental ‘bads’ such as alcohol outlets co-occur in Aotearoa New […]

Map-based tools for community and Runanga-led sustainable town planning

Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities Next Generation Information for Better Outcomes Overview  Map-based tools for community and Runanga-led sustainable town planning Current urban and town planning processes in Aotearoa present few ways to include local knowledge and bicultural views in the decisions affecting cities and towns. This project looks at developing new strategies and […]

Geospatial data availability, quality, needs

Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities Next Generation Information for Better Outcomes Project 2  Geospatial tools for better decision-making in urban planning New Zealand’s urban planning community faces challenges regarding the availability and accessibility of fit-for-purpose (spatial) data. Gaining useful information about our built, social and natural environments, however, is increasingly essential for making good evidence-based […]

The Building Better Homes Towns and Cities: Ko ngā wā kāinga hei whakamahorahora

The Mona Lisa

Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities Next Generation Information for Better Outcomes Overview  The Building Better Homes Towns and Cities: Ko ngā wā kāinga hei whakamahorahora The Building Better Homes Towns and Cities: Ko ngā wā kāinga hei whakamahorahora National Science Challenge is one of the eleven National Science challenges. It’s vision is “Ka ora […]

New Zealand Inventory of Dams

NZID Illustration

New Zealand Inventory of Dams STAGE TWO UPDATE AND ANALYSIS Stage 2   New Zealand Inventory of Dams The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) require a better understanding of New Zealand’s dam infrastructure in order to assess costs and benefits associated with a proposed regulatory dam safety scheme. The […]