Partnering to fly the Next-generation of Global Navigation Satellite System Receivers for Advancing Earth Observation

Project Team: Prof. Delwyn Moller (Project lead, University of Auckland) Prof. Matthew Wilson (GRI) Wider team: Xiaoyou Lin, Mike Laverick and Chris Seal (University of Auckland), Wayne Thomas (Air New Zealand), Chris Ruf and Steven Musko (University of Michigan), Andrew O’Brien (Ohio State University), Scott Gleason (UCAR), and others. Funding MBIE Catalyst fund and NASA […]
Reducing Flood Inundation Hazard and Risk across Aotearoa New Zealand

Project lead: Dr. Emily Lane (NIWA) GRI Team: Prof. Matthew Wilson (Uncertainty Lead) Dr Rose Pearson (NIWA/GRI visiting research fellow) Martin Nguyen (UoC PhD student) Andrea Pozo Estivariz (UoC PhD student) Katherine Booker (UoW PhD student) Clevon Ash (UoC PhD student) Funding: MBIE Endeavour Research Programme – Increasing flood resilience across Aotearoa, New Zealand. Summary: […]
Biological Heritage Challenge: Eco-Index Programme

Research teamDr Kiri Joy Wallace (University of Waikato)Dr John Reid (J D Reid LTD)Ngāti Pikiao (Tainu and Ngai Tahu Research Centre, University of Canterbury)Nathaniel Calhoun (Code Innovation)Kevan Cote (Moose Engineering & Design)Karen Denyer (Papawera Consulting Ltd)Saif Khan (GRI) Length of Project: 2022-2024 FundingNew Zealand National Science Challenge Project summary The Eco-index programme is funded through […]
New Zealand Inventory of Dams

New Zealand Inventory of Dams STAGE TWO UPDATE AND ANALYSIS Stage 2 New Zealand Inventory of Dams The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) require a better understanding of New Zealand’s dam infrastructure in order to assess costs and benefits associated with a proposed regulatory dam safety scheme. The […]