ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018 in Wellington on 5-7 November

Upcoming disaster information systems conference in Wellington

The purpose of ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018 is to exchange research into and experiences of information systems use in emergency management, particularly focussed around applications of information systems in the context of the four priorities of the Sendai Framework (2015-2030) for disaster risk reduction, namely:
1. understanding disaster risk;
2. strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk;
3. investing in disaster reduction for resilience; and
4. enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction.

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Geospatial science and health: An overview of the Te Taiwhenua o te Hauora | The GeoHealth Laboratory’s impactful research over the past 20 years and what future health challenges will be tackled next

In this seminar, we will explore the differences in health and health behaviours by neighbourhood, uncovering some of the underlying reasons for these variations in health. To better understand the range of ways in which differences in health emerge, Professor Malcolm Campbell will present a series of research projects from Te Taiwhenua o te Hauora | The GeoHealth Laboratory

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Research Associate | Post-Doctoral Fellow

We are hiring:

Research Associate | Post-Doctoral Fellow

Toi Hangarau | Geospatial Research Institute

Located in Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa | New Zealand

Full-time 37.5 hours per week (1.0 FTE)

Fixed term position until August 2027

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