Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS) – 30 April 2021

Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS)

Accelerating Digitalisation of the Infrastructure Sector


Larry Bellamy, University of Canterbury


Summary: Much has been written about the need to unlock the power of data and digital methods to improve the performance of infrastructure and productivity of the building industry. Recognising the potential benefits of these methods, the New Zealand Government and building industry are co-investing in an eight-year (2018-2026) research programme, under the banner of the Building Innovation Partnership (BIP), to accelerate digitalisation of the infrastructure sector. This industry-led programme has to date focussed on two applications of data and digital methods. The first is pipe information to improve investment and management decisions related to three waters networks. The second is building information to improve the management of vertical infrastructure. Both applications are covered in this seminar, which draws on case-studies and surveys to identify new pathways for the sector to realise the value of data and digital methods.


About the speakers: Larry is the inaugural Ada Rutherford Professor of Architectural Engineering in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury. He is also the Research Director of the industry-led Building Innovation Partnership (BIP) research programme. Before joining the University he worked as building engineer in a number of roles in the private and public sectors, including Manager of Engineering Design and Science in the building regulator branch of MBIE.


Join us for coffee, tea, a light snack and networking from 12.30 pm;  the seminar will start at 1 pm.


Please circulate and share this information with others who you think may be interested: all are welcome. 
Please register your attendance via so that we can ensure we have a seat and some refreshments for you.



GIS seminar room
Room 263, Ernest Rutherford Building,
University of Canterbury, Christchurch
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