Earth Science in an Age of Change

Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS)




Joe Mascaro

Tropical Ecologist

Director Science Strategy & Programs at Planet



Seminar Summary:

Planet’s massive dataset has unique applications for monitoring the status of Earth’s ecosystems and human activities that influence them. Through Planet’s Science Programs, More than 25,000 users have led research efforts, including climatEarth is in the midst of a climate crisis: rapidly changing forests, high-risk agricultural practices, and melting polar ecosystems, a biodiversity crisis caused by widespread habitat destruction. In this time of great change, Planet (a public benefit corporation) is imaging the land surface of the Earth on a near-daily basis, with multispectral sensors at ~3.7m per pixel we operate the largest fleet of earth observation satellites in history with a constellation of 19 high-resolution SkySats, capable of 0.5m multispectral imaging. e change, terrestrial an aquatic  ecosystems, wildlife biology and agriculture.

Results from Planet’s researcher network will be shared, and the scientific value of Planet’s persistent monitoring capability will be discussed as well as methods by which the data can be accessed by the scientific community


Wednesday 4th October 2023
Ernest Rutherford 263 | University of Canterbury or Online via Zoom

  • Refreshments & Networking:  1:30-2:00 pm
  • Seminar:   2:00-3:00 pm


All are welcome!



Video recording available at:




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