Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS) – 5 March 2021

Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS)

Adam Greenland

The Development of a regional Satellite Based Augmentation System (SEBA)


Adam Greenland & Graeme Blick, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)


Summary: Global Satellite Navigations Systems such as GPS enable positioning information accurate to about 5-10 metres. A Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) will improve the accuracy to less than a metre, and in some devices to 10 centimetres, and provide greater integrity. More precise and accurate positioning increases our productivity, secures our safety and enables innovation.  Unlike most regions of the developed world where SBAS is available, Australasia does not currently have access to any reliable free-to-air augmentation services. LINZ and Geoscience Australia are working together to develop a regional SBAS to improve the accuracy of GPS.


About the speakers: Adam Greenland is the national hydrographer for LINZ. Graeme Blick is with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), New Zealand’s National Survey and Mapping agency since 1995.  He is the Chief Geodesist and Group Manager of the Positioning and Resilience Group where he continues to work on and manage the development and implementation of the geodetic system in New Zealand and develop a new resilience programme of work for LINZ.


Due to Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions, the seminar will be via zoom starting at 1 pm.

Please circulate and share this information with others who you think may be interested: all are welcome. 


People on campus can attend in person by keeping distance.


GIS seminar room
Room 263, Ernest Rutherford Building
University of Canterbury, Christchurch
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