Andrew Kindon – 2023 Clinical Research Training Fellowship

Determinants of abdominal aortic aneurysm risk in New Zealand ($110,104 over 36 months)


Andrew Kindon’s research will employ geospatial technologies to spatially identify areas demonstrating excess risk of AAA death in New Zealand, and the associated environmental risk factors. This includes socioeconomic deprivation, accessibility of health services and ethnicity – factors known to influence cardiovascular health outcomes but seldom considered in AAA research.

The findings of this research will inform resource allocation in AAA screening. International evidence suggests that communities at high risk of AAA death are also likely to be communities that endure inequitable access to health services (rural, Māori, deprived). In demonstrating these trends to policy makers, this research will help to ensure equitable access to AAA screening.

Kindon is a senior vascular scientist with 12 years’ experience in patient-facing vascular investigations. His goals in research are directly inspired by his clinical experience and he is extremely passionate about reducing preventable deaths from abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs).


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