New PhD student Andrea Pozo Estívariz joins the GRI

We are pleased to welcome Andrea Pozo Estívariz as a PhD student within the Geospatial Research Institute.

Andrea summarises her PhD below:


“I am a civil engineer from Spain. Since my Master’s I have been working in the GeoOcean research group (University of Cantabria), having the opportunity to deep into different research topics such as the development and prediction models for tropical cyclone activity, wave modelling, rain fields parameterization or flood modelling and mapping. I have just started my PhD in the area of water resource management, focused on the development of advancing methods of rapid flood risk scenario assessment using hybrid approaches of hydraulic modelling and machine learning.


My PhD is supervised by Prof. Matt Wilson (UC), Dr. Emily Lane (NIWA) and Prof. Fernando Méndez (University of Cantabria, Spain) and it is part of the MBIE Endeavour research programme, ‘Reducing flood inundation hazard and risk across Aotearoa/New Zealand’. I am very motivated because this programme not only offers me the chance to work with cutting-edge techniques and learn more about such interesting topics for me like climate change; but also I feel I can contribute with my work to improve the quality of life of all the people who suffer from floods.”


Prof. Matt Wilson (UC)

Dr. Emily Lane (NIWA)

Prof. Fernando Méndez (University of Cantabria)

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