Visiting PhD Student, Joe Lillis

GRI has a visiting PhD student from Exeter University in the UK. Joe Lillis has been working on a thesis that aims to map how greenspace, air pollution, and traffic noise impacts mental health in the UK. While at UC, Joe has helped the GeoHealth Lab create a greenspace national composite for New Zealand based […]

The GRI Director, Prof Matthew Wilson awarded with one of four IIT-Delhi Fellowships

  Te Whare Wānanga of Waitaha | University of Canterbury (UC) academics have been awarded two of four inaugural IIT-Delhi India-New Zealand Centre Fellowships.  For more information go to:     Congratulations Matt!  

Andrew Kindom – PhD student took the 1st place at the HRSC Emerging Researcher Awards 2023

On Thursday 26th October, Te Papa Hauora hosted the Health Research Society of Canterbury’s 2023 Emerging Researcher Awards Evening. Andrew Kindom was awarded with the 1st prize, presenting: A geospatial analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA)  ruptures to guide screening in NZ. Andrew is currently a PhD student at the University of Canterbury – Faculty […]

New PhD student Andrea Pozo Estívariz joins the GRI

We are pleased to welcome Andrea Pozo Estívariz as a PhD student within the Geospatial Research Institute. Andrea summarises her PhD below:   “I am a civil engineer from Spain. Since my Master’s I have been working in the GeoOcean research group (University of Cantabria), having the opportunity to deep into different research topics such […]

New PhD student Sidney Wong joins the GRI

We are pleased to welcome Sidney Wong as a PhD student within the Geospatial Research Institute. Sidney is excited to be offered the opportunity through the Geospatial Research Institute Toi Hangarau PhD Scholarship to model the social and linguistic characteristics of local populations using geo-referenced language data. He was attracted by the transdisciplinary nature of […]

GRI PhD Student David Garcia joins the American Association of Geographers initiative for COVID-19 pandemic global response

Within the AAG COVID-19 initiative, David is working with the Phillipines-based geospatial collective he founded, The Ministry of Mapping, to crowdsource the location, treatment capacity, and equipment needs of all health facilities there, while also working with a clinical psychologist to provide emotional support to the mappers themselves as they examine painfully difficult data.   […]