PhD Student Martin Nguyen Wins 2nd Prize for Best Poster at Waterways Conference

Martin Nguyen presented a poster at the Waterways annual postgraduate conference, titled “Uncertainty in the procedure of developing Digital Elevation Models from LiDAR data for flood modelling”. He won second-place in the competition for the best poster. The print-quality poster can be found here (2Mb)
New PhD student Andrea Pozo Estívariz joins the GRI

We are pleased to welcome Andrea Pozo Estívariz as a PhD student within the Geospatial Research Institute. Andrea summarises her PhD below: “I am a civil engineer from Spain. Since my Master’s I have been working in the GeoOcean research group (University of Cantabria), having the opportunity to deep into different research topics such […]
New PhD student Sidney Wong joins the GRI

We are pleased to welcome Sidney Wong as a PhD student within the Geospatial Research Institute. Sidney is excited to be offered the opportunity through the Geospatial Research Institute Toi Hangarau PhD Scholarship to model the social and linguistic characteristics of local populations using geo-referenced language data. He was attracted by the transdisciplinary nature of […]