Submissions open: NZ Geospatial Research Conference 2019

Kia ora koutou katoa,


We are pleased to announce that abstract submissions are now open for the 2019 New Zealand Geospatial Research Conference. We invite you to join us at the Queenstown Memorial Centre in beautiful Queenstown, Otago on 18 September 2019 and present your geospatial research.


Please submit your abstracts of no more than 300 words by 12 July to the NRCRC-2019 EasyChair site.


Conference key themes, under an overarching theme of Finding our Way to a Better Future, are:

  1. The future of geospatial science and technology
  2. Enabling seamless geospatial data
  3. Ensuring good decisions from spatial information
  4. Addressing key challenges for society using geospatial science and technology


All submissions which address the conference themes or related areas are welcome. We positively encourage submissions from early career scholars, postgraduate students, and government and industry practitioners.


The following submissions are welcome:

  • Oral presentation (regular talk): 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of questions: detailed presentation of completed research projects
  • Oral presentation (lightning talk): 7 minutes plus 3 minutes of questions: summary presentation of ongoing or completed research
  • Poster presentation: an active session held over an extended buffet lunch. Presenters should be at their poster during this session – it will be a good opportunity to network about your work across the geospatial sector.


For further information, please see the conference website.


NZGRC-2019 is being run in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on GeoComputation and we encourage NZ and international participants to attend both conferences. GeoComputation 2019 will host some workshops on 18 September (also at the Queenstown Memorial Centre), then the main part of the conference will take place on 19-21 September at the Rydges Lakeland Resort Hotel. Discounts will be available for NZGRC-2019 for those registered for GeoComputation 2019.


Registration for NZGRC-2019 will open shortly and will be kept at the low price of $150 +GST (regular) or $100 +GST (student). Discounted NZGRC-2019 ticket prices for GeoComputation attendees will be $90 +GST (Regular) or $40 +GST (Student), on top of the main GeoComputation registration.


Key dates:

  • Early June: Abstract submissions open
  • Late June: Registration opens
  • 12 July: Abstract submission closes
  • 31 July: Notification of abstract acceptance
  • 1 – 16 September: late registration (+$50)
  • 18 September: NZGRC-2019 and GeoComputation workshops
  • 19-21 September: GeoComputation 2019


We look forward to welcoming you in Queenstown!

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