Senior Lecturer and research fellow at the GeoHealth Laboratory Dr Matthew Hobbs gives an Author Q&A Research Insight by the British Dental Journal

The article, Investigating the prevalence of non-fluoride toothpaste use in adults and children using nationally representative data from New Zealand: a cross-sectional study, of which Dr Hobbs is the first author, has already been highlighted in the local media and oral health research sector.


The full Q&A of Dr Hobbs by the BDJ can be found in the link below:


You can also access the research article at:



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Geospatial science and health: An overview of the Te Taiwhenua o te Hauora | The GeoHealth Laboratory’s impactful research over the past 20 years and what future health challenges will be tackled next

In this seminar, we will explore the differences in health and health behaviours by neighbourhood, uncovering some of the underlying reasons for these variations in health. To better understand the range of ways in which differences in health emerge, Professor Malcolm Campbell will present a series of research projects from Te Taiwhenua o te Hauora | The GeoHealth Laboratory

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Research Associate | Post-Doctoral Fellow

We are hiring:

Research Associate | Post-Doctoral Fellow

Toi Hangarau | Geospatial Research Institute

Located in Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa | New Zealand

Full-time 37.5 hours per week (1.0 FTE)

Fixed term position until August 2027

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