Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS)

The Geospatial Research Institute is pleased to host Dr Kat Salm. Kat has been working in the spatial industry in New Zealand across government, industry, and research/education for a number of years. She is also the winner of the 2018 New Zealand Spatial Excellence Awards (NZSEA) in the category “Women’s Leadership Award”, as well as the 2019 Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA).

In this ‘talk of two halves’, Kat will share information on a couple of her focus areas.

  • The first of these is around the current state of Women in Spatial in New Zealand. Kat will present the outcomes of the latest survey of women in the industry and talk about some of the key findings.
  • The second will provide an overview of FrontierSI, a not-for-profit company that exists to deliver major benefits to governments, industry and the community in Australia and New Zealand. Kat will highlight some of the key priority research areas in their programme.


Room 263, Ernest Rutherford Building

  • Networking lunch:  12:30-13:00
  • Seminar:   13:00-14:00


All are welcome!




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