Nationwide geospatial study of water fluoridation

Research Team:
Dr. Matthew Hobbs (SoH – UoC)
Dr. Lukáš Marek (GRI GeoHealth Lab –  UoC)
Mario Puente Sierra (GRI GeoHealth Lab – UoC)
Dr. Tim Chambers (Ngāi Tahu Research Centre – UoC)

Ministry of Health Oral Health Research Fund 2022

Duration of Project
2022-2023 (1.5 years)

Project Summary

Community water fluoridation (CWF) is a proven way to prevent tooth decay. The decision to fluoridate in New Zealand has been left to the discretion of drinking-water suppliers such as local authorities, leading to differences between communities. A recent law change now allows for a nationally consistent approach. However, there’s no nationwide spatial dataset of water distribution zones (WDZ) and, therefore, fluoride levels in drinking water can’t be mapped or spatially studied.

Our aims are to create this dataset, delineate fluoride levels in every supply, assess compliance with recommended fluoride levels, and see if there are inequities in both fluoridation access and compliance based on ethnicity and deprivation. While doing so, we will also examine inequities in the quality of geospatial data of public drinking WDZ across all territorial authorities in New Zealand. This data will help future studies to associate epidemiologic outcomes to public water, improve oral health policies, and ensure water suppliers provide the right fluoride levels for good oral health.

Distribution of Water Distribution Zones across Aotearoa New Zealand with insets for the three major urban areas of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch


Puente-Sierra, M., Chambers, T., Marek, L., Broadbent, J.M., O’Brien, B. and Hobbs, M. (2023). The development and validation of a nationwide dataset of water distribution zones in Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional geospatial study. Data in Brief 49, 109349. (Journal Article)

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Research Associate | Post-Doctoral Fellow

We are hiring:

Research Associate | Post-Doctoral Fellow

Toi Hangarau | Geospatial Research Institute

Located in Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa | New Zealand

Full-time 37.5 hours per week (1.0 FTE)

Fixed term position until August 2027

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